— Success Stories
Cookie Department
Digital Stamp Card
Cookie Department has the best freshly baked American home-style cookies. If you can’t get enough of it, then you have to join their reward program to get 1 free for every 10 cookies!

Check it out!
Collect stamps for a reward. Just like what we are used to except it’s cooler because it’s virtual.
Cookie DPT’s digital stamp card is e-wallet-based. Customers don’t need to download anything for it to work.
This membership system is supported by our Core where the magic takes place.
Reward customers who have been loyal to your brand to make them feel important.
Encourage repeat purchase
at your brand.
Send push notifications to your
customers to engage with them.
Dashboards for you to ensure
that your business is healthy.
About the project

Can you believe Cookie DPT, with just 3 pop-up spots, has 5000+ cookies reward? If you want the same for your business, you know what to do!